Saturday, April 27, 2019

Lady Parts & Female Stuff: Sea Urchin

Sea Urchin: Sharp spines on the outside, soft, pink and warm on the inside!

Yeah... those are TEETH! (Had it done long before the movie was made)

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Frivolous Nonsense: Cannibal Girl

I told someone I wanted to tie him up in guitar cables and chew on him a bit - like when you're kids playing "Cannibal"

...he never came to play with me...
I don't bite hard...'s not every day a guy gets invited to play Cannibal with someone who keeps real human bones in her bed...
Apparently I scare people even when I'm being friendly!

Lady Parts & Female Stuff: Anatomy Between Friends #1

From the time we are young, we are always taught to SHARE, right?

If you have something that a friend of yours does not, and your friend would really like some part of what you are fortunate enough to have, it is best to find some way to SHARE, right?

Especially when you're a female (like me!) with all sorts of female stuff tucked away in hidden places... It's not really nice to keep that kind of stuff all to yourself, right?  When you certainly must have some friends out there that don't have those same parts at all?
 A good friend would find a way to share!!

And keeping those plump, tender parts all covered up with panties and clothes all the time would make you a bad friend to all those poor males out there who very much like those kinds of organs, but weren't lucky enough to grow their own...

It's only a little anatomy, right?
Nothing to be concerned about - friends should be able have a look. A GOOD look!
...and then maybe another good look with more lighting!

That's what friends are for!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Frivolous Nonsense: Lost Clothes

Lost my clothes... somewhere in the kitchen, it seems...

             ...Found some clothes, but I don't think I'm wearing them right 
- all my female stuff is showing!