Sunday, June 28, 2020

OFFICIAL Music Video #10: "Nocturnis Bestialis" (18+)

Here is a track from my next Nightmare-Industrial Album!           (Hope to release it soon!)
OFFICIAL Music Video #10:
I have always been a creature of darkness...
                                            lurking beneath the Underground for decades...

I am as ancient as dirt.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Heavy Weaponry #2: Man of Steel

 That's a mighty weapon pointing into the air!
I'm almost finished my next music video! (Should be out soon!)

(Every respect to veterans)

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Video #28: Love of Life (18+)

Video #28:
Baby birds are excellent for relieving stress! 
Cuddling my birds makes me happier than I can express!
(I have 10 birds now! It's a jungle in here!)

ElectroSexual: Plasma (18+)

Plasma, the 4th fundamental state of matter...

Anything that ventures between my thighs had better be charged right up! ;)

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Spring Rain (18+)

I love rain - especially on my bare body!

When I was about 17 years old, I used to dance around naked in my back yard in Victoria late at night when it rained...

...I guess I still do that now!

:D Except I don't have a private yard anymore!

(Rain is a bit inconvenient today - I was supposed to shoot a music video outside, but I guess I'll have to wait. My camera guy is asleep too, so I took these myself before my camera got too wet.)

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Off to Work I Go! (18+)

I pass this statue every day on my way to work!
I still work night shift!                                      YAY!                          I am still a creature of darkness!

I was always Socially Distant.
The whole city is mine when I am nocturnal!
This is my office!

I drink a lot of coffee...
I spend half the night pee, pee, peeing!
Gotta release it back into the wild, right?

I work in Microbiology.
Last night I processed parasite slides...
Tonight is abscesses & fungus!

There are very few places I am allowed to take pictures -
These are the biohazardous waste buckets.
Must head off to work... I'll remember my friends while I'm peeing all night long!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Baby Bird & Lilacs (18+)

I LOVE my baby birds!!!!!!!
(Sorry I've been behind on posts - my cute little birds are so distracting!!!)
They let me carry them around and pet them! 
                        They actually act quite a lot like puppies! 
                                                               They just melt my heart!

(No, I'm not being perverse - everyone's pet sees them naked. I just think the birds and nudity are artistic - I'm not being creepy, I promise! I just force people to see me naked if they want to know what I'm up to. :D )
Here is the video:
Video #28: Love of Life

Soapy & Wet

Still losing in that battle to wash myself clean!