Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Equipment Lust: Synthesizer

Isn't this a big, sexy synth?!
 (This one gives me an erection - the possibilities are almost infinite!)
(It's just collecting dust right now - I can record from it, but one day I will learn to play)

Past Photo (18+)

I found one of my magnets from my burlesque days (about 2012) - this was taken just before I had my face tattooed... I didn't really make porn back then, so there are only 2 of these magnets in existence. (In fact, there are HUGE periods of time where I had no photos taken of me at all - not even normal photos.)

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Video #29: Hogzilla (18+)

Nothing says "Sexy" quite like a snout and leathery wings!
                                    (That's Dahlia in the background.)

Video# 29:

(Super-sorry I haven't been on the internet lately. 
                I've been a bit busy [and shy] but I do still have lots of ideas! Many pleasant thoughts and warm kisses for my wonderful friends.    XXX)