Monday, July 22, 2019

OFFICIAL Music Video: TECHNOSEXUAL (Apocalyptic Flesh Machine - Industrial) 18+

My 2nd OFFICIAL music video!

Haunting & Sexy,
My sounds of despair

Apocalyptic Flesh Machine
OFFICIAL Music Video (18+)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Female Chatter: Painful Tattoos in Forbidden Places #1

Time to chatter about those tattoos around my naughty bits!
(I have LOTS to say - this is only Part 1!)

This chatter is about the (very faded) skull & decorative spines that are tattooed right across the top of my female anatomy, and goes slightly down either side -

I did that tattoo myself!!!!
(I couldn't go further down the sides because I can't see!)

  Yup, I had all the sterile equipment and know-how!
(I've done most of the tattoos on my left arm, leg, knees, and feet too!)

"Why?" (You may ask)
Answer: I did this particular tattoo for several reasons -
1. Just to say I'd tattooed my own genitals :D
2. To have an excuse to start telling other tattoo artists they should do the same to themselves - just because they can! ;)
3. To decorate up my lady parts! Aren't they pretty?
4. I was trying to get my ex-husband's attention directed towards that area - it didn't work!
5. I was tired of shaving the strip of hair - time for my lady parts to be extra-naked! But since I don't like to look like a little girl, a little artwork definitely separates the Women from the little girls, right? You fuckin' bet!

"What about the teeth you have down there too?"
(You may also ask)
Answer: You'll have to come back to my page later for more chatter! ;D
(Translation: "To be continued...")

Monday, July 15, 2019

Heart-Shaped Lock 2: The Apocalyptic Look

When I roar 
the Earth shakes,
the Seas surge,

and my shrieks of passion and rage fill the air.

...I've been known to crush things...

Friday, July 12, 2019

Anatomy Between Friends 2: Bored? Cranky? Frustrated?

Are you bored?
           Maybe a bit cranky and frustrated?
Is your cock persistently poking you in the elbow while you are trying to accomplish useful things?

Do you have a handful of your own meaty giblets, and just need a place to point 'em for 5 minutes so you can think clearly again?

It's a good thing I post smut now!
(Anatomical photos - purely for scientific reasons! ;) )
Just draw a target in the dust on your computer screen
and splatter your raging frustrations here!
That's what friends are for!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2019

Harnessed & Chained

Sorry - no naughty bits hangin' out this time! 
(They are tucked securely into my harness!)
I just like these photos!


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Video #4: The Straight Razor Video

Come hang out with me in the bathtub again - this time I'm wounded and shave with a 

Kinda looks like those layers of red lady parts are 
my lowest wound of all! Don't you just want to sink your teeth into 
a pretty lady who is already wounded? 
...I don't see the rest of her herd around...
They must have left her behind as a delicious snack for a wandering predator...

Here is the Straight Razor Video I had promised!
You bet that fucking razor is SHARP!
It's quite clear the risk excites me!

Video #4:
Lady Apocalypse & Her Straight Razor
Music: Apocalyptic Flesh Machine
"Apocalypse UnSilenced 8" (Unreleased)
Music/guitar/vocals - Lady Apocalypse