Sunday, May 24, 2020

AntiHuman: I Create Beasts (18+)

 When I choose to breed, I don't create humans - I create BEASTS!

This is my offspring!
(I have 5 baby quails, only 5 days old!)

Isn't it CUUUUUUUTE!!!!?????

My fuckin' head could just POP with joy!

 I want to put that fluffy little bird in my mouth!
It's little head would poke out, and it would speak for me!
                                     ...there's an odd mental image...
My quails are very loved!
       (I have been distracted lately by my sweet little birds, and my indoor gardening project. So sorry to the people I owe messages to - I'll get there, but it's so hard to leave these fluffy little things alone!!!!)

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Video #26: Pearl Necklace (18+)

For the love of Semen!!!!
Video #26: 
I'm not thrilled with how this video turned out (from an earlier photos session) - you don't see my "semen" as well as I would have liked! There was TONS on my disappeared terribly for my video! I can't re-shoot this idea until the need to conserve soap passes, so I'm settling for posting this one for now...

So sorry I'm behind on my posts - the long weekend will give me lots of time to catch up!

Have a dirty day, prancing naked around your house during lockdown! (Don't get your cock caught on things though!)

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Nonsense: WTF???!!

JEEEEEEZUS! Look at those crazy lips!

...what are we looking at?

...I also made a fabulous Bum Sandwich with that lettuce! 
                            Here is yours:

...probably needs a little mustard...