Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Video #49: Mini Toilets (More Pee!!!!) 18+

Pee Pee Pee!
I just happened to have these little toilets around!
 Video #49:

Mini Toilets (More Pee!) 18+

I have to make peeing videos - I spend about 25% of my day peeing!!! ....every cup of coffee must be released back into the wild! 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Video #48: Masked Lady(XXX) Music: "Tesseract: Hypercube" by AFM

 More head-splitting industrial machine-music with my smut... 

                           It's difficult to find much time alone these days...  it's nice to put on a mask and play when I can find a chance!

Video #48:

Masked Lady (XXX)

Music: "Tesseract : Hypercube" by AFM

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Haunted Forest 18+

I'm sure I'm the only thing haunting this forest...

I'm definitely not the only visitor, though! While I was here a birdwatcher came through...yeah, I was in the middle of doing this. :D I just crouched on the stream bank and flapped my wings. Imagine you went birdwatching, and found THIS weird species crouching in the bushes! Haha! It actually happened to someone out there today!  

*        *       *
2 days later they started cutting most of these trees down...
Good thing I did this while I still had the chance.


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Video #47: Searching For Ogopogo Pt 1 (18+)

 More Nonsense!

        Still no sign of Cousin Ogopogo, or my panties! 

(Faaaaaaaack! Lost my damn tail at some point when I filmed this!!! Bummer!)

Video #47:



(Okanagan Lake is behind me / 200m to my right - no sign of Ogopogo yet...
I'll keep waving my bait around...)

Sighting Photos: (News sources)

Ogopogo sighting, Okanagan Lake
Ogopogo is always described as an undulating snake-like thing that 
created waves that would reach the beach.

Early settlers told of something in the water that pulled their
swimming horses down into the Lake in the late 1800s

Monday, March 15, 2021

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Video #44: Marking Territory 2: Standing Up (18+)

 MORE pee!!!!!

 I pee constantly!!!!


 ...here I mark more territory at the Lizard Spa...

VIDEO #44: