Time to chatter about those tattoos around my naughty bits!
(I have LOTS to say - this is only Part 1!)
This chatter is about the (very faded) skull & decorative spines that are tattooed right across the top of my female anatomy, and goes slightly down either side -
I did that tattoo myself!!!!
(I couldn't go further down the sides because I can't see!)
Yup, I had all the sterile equipment and know-how!
(I've done most of the tattoos on my left arm, leg, knees, and feet too!)
"Why?" (You may ask)
Answer: I did this particular tattoo for several reasons -
1. Just to say I'd tattooed my own genitals :D
2. To have an excuse to start telling other tattoo artists they should do the same to themselves - just because they can! ;)
3. To decorate up my lady parts! Aren't they pretty?
4. I was trying to get my ex-husband's attention directed towards that area - it didn't work!
5. I was tired of shaving the strip of hair - time for my lady parts to be extra-naked! But since I don't like to look like a little girl, a little artwork definitely separates the Women from the little girls, right? You fuckin' bet!
"What about the teeth you have down there too?"
(You may also ask)
Answer: You'll have to come back to my page later for more chatter! ;D
(Translation: "To be continued...")