Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Apocalyptic Comic Art: Previous Business Cards

My REAL NAME is Countess Coitus Carcass. 
(Ms. Fucker of Corpses)
Yup, the government let me change it to that! (Approx. 9 years ago)
Yup, I have a weird & extreme sense of humor!

     I changed my name within months of thinking of it - even my parents said they didn't think the name they had given me suited me at all! (It was Michelle.)
The "Coitus" part was spontaneous as I was filling in the form at the registry - it was originally just "Countess Carcass", but I used to draw a twisted comic called "Coitus Carcass" and I like the mental image... I figured I'd just see if they rejected it or not.
     Haha! It's pretty funny it went through!
          My mom & co-workers have called me Countess for a long time now. :D 
           I have a birth certificate that makes it appear as though my mom had named me this.

All drawings done by me.
(I have no drawings at all from this past year... all projects have been on "hold" lately)

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