Monday, March 16, 2020

Chatter: Apocalypse Fetish (18+)

I have kept emergency & pandemic preparedness supplies on-hand since 2008 (& earlier). Don't rush for supplies only when a disaster is coming - prepare for EVERYTHING always, not just what's on the news currently.
It lowers stress considerably!
(The Mormons actually really have things right by keeping 1 year of goods in supply at all times.)

...funny thing, though, with word of Pandemic in the air, every time I think "What if this REALLY IS just the beginning of The End?" my lady parts tingle deep inside...
It is known that disaster ignites sex drive (When you stress your pot plants, they get extra-potent with sex juices!) It is a natural biological reaction to the possibility an organism may die. It is known that earthquakes and volcano eruptions can cause erections in some men.

Besides, if there is nothing you can do about disaster around you, and if death IS impending, I'd prefer to die fucking the shit out of someone special, and roaring as the world explodes around us! I want to die shrieking with passion!!!

Always be prepared... it's not "paranoia" or over-thinking - it is being responsible in an unpredictable world. We are TOO DEPENDENT on our easy lifestyles - things can change drastically in a moment, in ways we may not anticipate.
Survivors plan ahead. 
Being prepared gives me a boner.
...the end of the human race makes me want to cum!

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